The Automatik

Some New Romantic Looking For the TV Sound

Archive for April, 2001

Sloan: Second Hand Views

Murderecords, 1999

I’m sure the die-hard Sloan fans would call me a late bloomer for so recently seeing their videos, but give me a break! MTV sucks and I don’t get a lot of MuchMusic exposure.
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Sloan: Between the Bridges

Murderecords, 1999

The N.S.
I love the way the song fades in, quietly entering the room before announcing its presence without a lot of undue fanfare. It sounds uncannily like Double Fantasy-era John Lennon with Andrew’s typical clear, strong vocals, then it changes into a spiffy little piano melody. Only Sloan could rhyme “ocean” with “Nova Scotian” and not sound too cheeky. It’s the perfect length and stops on a dime.
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Trentspotting! or How to Stop Worrying and Love the Goth

Disclaimer: I want to make it clear that in NO WAY am I a fan of Trent Reznor OR his music. In fact, I think he’s quite a Jim Foetus rip-off. It just amuses me that I have this knack for bumping into him at the same places over and over again. But it isn’t like I plan it or anything. In fact, I think it could be argued that he’s stalking ME!
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