The Automatik

Some New Romantic Looking For the TV Sound

Archive for the 'The Eighties' Category

Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel: Nail

A Foetus by any other name would still snarl as sweetly.

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Thoughts on Blade Runner: Dir. Ridley Scott

The first time I saw this movie, I hated it. I hated the flat, emotionless voice over and the faux-Film Noir stylings. I loathed this movie for the next four years and dreaded the idea of having to analyze it for my Science Fiction Cinema class when I was a junior in college. After I watched it, though, I did a Pauline Kael and realized that it was truly amazing. I loved it even more when the Director’s Cut was released a few years later without all that ridiculous voice-over rubbish.
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It’s the Eighties, Idiot!

Imagine the scene: You’re sitting in a bar, sometime during the mid-’90s, and lamenting the crappy music on the jukebox and the room full of bad Marilyn Manson clones. Then, miraculously, you suddenly overhear the following conversation, a sarcastic, yet clearly besotted nostalgia trip through ’80s fashion icons in the world of pop music. It might go something like this:
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